Monday, May 22, 2006
Dana Beal reponds to 'High Times & the NYC pot rally" post
The amount of money you guys come up with is pathetic, and not worthy of a major say in anything. I spoke about Ibogaine perhaps for 5 minutes. Melatonin for 5 minutes - and that's a fundraiser. Also, the comment about NORML is just not true. Robbie Robinson is NORML, and he did the downtown rally. His grandmother died, so he couldn't show.
This kind of misrepresentation is why nothing is happening. The fact is, you come up with NO celebs. Look at the MPP gala. Maybe you just can't get celebs. Or maybe you are trying to blackmail us. Let's see what happens next year. That is, if you want to get off your butts and do something. What is your problem with a 21st Century approach?
It's not 1978. Times have changed.
Dana Beal
Cures Not Wars