Friday, June 30, 2006


Bonghitters sprayed out

Yesterday, the Bonghitters were supposed to play Wall St. Journal in what promised to be a highly-competitive grudge match. Last year, WSJ tweaked High Times on, calling the Bonghitters "morons" and claiming that each game is treated like an "idealogical battle." On the contrary, HT's main complaint with WSJ has been their refusal to play women on several occasions in what are supposed to be co-ed games.

Anyway, at 12:30 pm, Bonghitters 2B Danny Danko called to say he'd heard from a reliable source that the Parks Department was closing the Great Lawn in Central Park for pesticide spraying. I hurriedly contacted the department and confirmed the rumor. They said they'd left a message on the High Times voicemail at 9:30 am. That's the amount of advance notice we received. So the much-awaited contest had to be cancelled.

It turned out that by gametime the rains had come, drenching New York. So the Parks Department saved us a very wet trip to the park yesterday. By the way, WSJ had promised to play at least 2 women. We'll face them on their field on Saturday, August 12, 11 am start (wake & bake, Bonghitters!).

So a group of Bonghitters got together last night to watch the Mets-Red Sox game at the decidedly Boston-friendly bar, the Riviera, in the West Village. The Mets couldn't stop the rampaging Bosox, who won 4-2, extending their winning streak to 12. Not even several rally joints could help the reeling, but still way-in-first-place (by 11 games) Mets. They travel to Yankee Stadium for a subway series, beginning tonight.

The Bonghitters' next game is a rematch against Vanity Fair on Thursday, July 6. The Bonghitters are 6-0.


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