Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Herbal Nation's "We Love the Herb" named GMMA Song of the Year

You take a seed, you plant it, you grow it, you dry it, you roll it, you smoke it and it goes down smooth.

That little cannabis chorus, combined with pulsating funk rhythms and James Brown-style horns, lifted "We Love the Herb" by Providence's Herbal Nation to new heights as it was named Song of the Year by the Global Marijuana Music Awards, based in Australia.

I'm a longtime fan of the band and the song, which has been reviewed several times in High Times over the years. As a GMMA jury voter, I excitedly gave it the most points on my Song of the Year scorecard. My other favorites were "Chillies & Tomatoes" by Texas Belairs and "Love to Smoke" by the Individuals.

Here's the complete list of winners:

Song of the Year

"We Love the Herb" - Herbal Nation

Album of the Year
Herbal Nation - Herbal Nation

Best Rap Song
"Heaven for a Cheefa" - The Individuals

Best Country Song
"Chillies & Tomatoes" - Texas Belairs

Best Reggae Song
"African Herbsman" - Superdude

Best Rock Song
"Pothead Punk" - Superdude

Best Pop Song
"Cannabis" - Assi Rose

Best Blues Song
"I Thought You Knew" - The Individuals

Best Experimental Song
"Ever Been to Amsterdam?" - Jet Baker

Best Comedy Song
"100 Cone Billy" - Herb Superb

Best Video
"A + B = X" - Los Guys

Best Poetry
"Mr. Zag" - Paul Bullock


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